How to Create Rustic Looking Wood

Create rustic looking furniture at a fraction of the cost of store-bought with this simple tutorial.  Make wood that looks rustic in just a few simple steps!


- Paint brushes - Gloves - Paint trays - Rags - Safety mask - Orbital sander - Black stain - Brown wood dye - Sawhorse or work stand - Water-based polyurethane

1. Stain the wood black with a water-based stain.

2. Sand the black wood. Be sure to apply enough pressure to sand most of the stain off.

3.  Dye the wood brown. Wipe excess dye off with a rag or old t-shirt.

Apply 3 coats of polyurethane finish and let dry.

Enjoy your beautiful bed frame or other furniture with a rustic wood finish!

DIY Rustic Looking Wood