Keeping the chickens safe and happy, without having to open and close their door every day, is a huge success in my book. Learn how to set up the best automatic chicken coop door for your backyard ladies.

Farm to Table recipes and Homemade Natural Living
Keeping the chickens safe and happy, without having to open and close their door every day, is a huge success in my book. Learn how to set up the best automatic chicken coop door for your backyard ladies.
I meant to write this post a long time ago, but you know I just kind of procrastinated and here we are. Lots of people ask about this chicken coop so I’m excited to write a post about it. Learn how to build a chicken coop that meets all your small farm dreams, and the girls love it too.
· Natural Chicken Keeping
We’ve been feeding our chickens this homemade fermented chicken feed because it’s a natural source of probiotics. Also, feeding your flock fermented chicken feed wastes less, costs less, and they love it! Come get the recipe below.
If you are new to chicken keeping or just want to learn more about winterizing a chicken coop, you will find lots of good info here! When we got our chickens earlier this year, we did lots of research into how to keep the chickens safe and warm in the winter. We live in the Pacific Northwest where it gets cold and occasionally snowy in the winter. Here you will find some simple techniques to help winterize a chicken coop this winter, how to keep your chickens warm naturally, and some other natural chicken keeping techniques.